Who We Are

The Charity is managed by 8 Trustee’s who all have to be residents of Stretham and the Current Vicar of St James Church, Stretham,  The trustees meet every two months and consider good causes and requests for financial assistance from individuals and organisations associated with the village. At their two-monthly meetings they also review, and agree actions and activities connected with the assets of the Charity. The Trustees activities are audited annually, and conducted within strict guidelines overseen by the Charity Commission.

The committee of Trustees is made up as follows:

  • Chairman: Kier Petherick
  • Vice Chairman: Peter Lee
  • Clerk to the Charity: Jo Taylor
  • Jayne Chapman
  • Mick Murfitt
  • Jenny Markham
  • Janet Parish
  • Laura Roberts
  • Ellen Leeke
  • Paul Frost

For all communication with the Stretham Charity, please write to the Clerk:

Jo Taylor
4 Top Street, Stretham, Ely, Cambs. CB6 3JL

or email her by clicking here or call her on 07761 655 511